Enter database name:
Enter database user
Enter database password:
Enter New Prefix:

'; // Select database and grab table list mysql_select_db($mysql_db, $link) or die ("Database not found."); $tables = mysql_list_tables($mysql_db); // Pull table names into an array and replace prefixes $i = 0; while ($i < mysql_num_rows($tables)) { $table_name = mysql_tablename($tables, $i); $table_array[$i] = $table_name; $i++; } // Pull table names into another array after replacing prefixes foreach ($table_array as $key => $value) { $table_names[$key] = replace_prefix($value, $table_prefix); } // Write new table names back foreach ($table_array as $key => $value) { $query = sprintf('RENAME TABLE %s TO %s', $table_array[$key], $table_names[$key]); $result = mysql_query($query, $link); if (!$result) { $error = mysql_error(); echo "Could not $query : $error
"; } else { $message = sprintf('Successfully renamed %s to %s in %s', $table_array[$key], $table_names[$key], $mysql_db); echo "$message
"; } } // Free the resources mysql_close($link); } function replace_prefix($s, $prefix) { $pos = strpos($s, "_"); $s = substr($s, $pos + 1); $s = sprintf("%s_%s", $prefix, $s); return $s; } ?>